
Insurance Company Rankings

Insurance company ratings and rankings are very complicated to figure out. Only somebody with a lot of experience dealing with these insurance companies would know who is the best, and who is the worst. Law Offices Cytryn & Velazquez, P.A. has over 40 years of experience dealing with these companies. Our ratings below pertain to how insurance companies pay injury claims. So if you have questions about whether you can handle a case on your own or not, take a look at the grades that we give these insurance companies. The lower the grade, the more difficult it's going to be for you alone to handle a case against these insurance companies.

In addition, please review these grades to determine whether you should switch your own insurance company. You may be able to get a quote from a B-rated insurance company that is actually lower than what you would pay to a D- insurance company.

There should be no loyalty between you and your insurance company. They do not care about you. All they want to do is take your money.

When it's time to pay, that's a different story. So you should not care how long you have been with the particular insurance company when shopping for insurance rates. Call a broker who writes different insurance policies. If you are unsure or need a recommendation for a broker who writes different companies and can get you competitive quotes from different companies, call us and we will be glad to help you with that information.

Keep in mind that Allstate and State Farm have designated agents, so they won't sell you anything but their own company. So if you call them, you're stuck with one rate, and one quote, and won't have anything to compare to unless you call another company.

The worst insurance company in Florida now is Windhaven. They deny almost every claim. Stay far away from them!

“The Best Lawyers in America” in the area of personal injury has named Dan Cytryn for the work that we have achieved in accident and injury law. Having been a "Superlawyer" named by that publication for several years now, Mr. Cytryn personally grades the best and worst insurance companies for personal injury cases below and revises this list periodically based on the different positions that insurance companies take.

South Florida, Broward County, Coral Springs, personal injury, and car accident attorneys at Law Offices Cytryn & Velazquez, P.A. deal with insurance companies on a daily basis, and we have done so for over 40 years. This interaction gives our attorneys a great opportunity to judge and rate how these insurance companies handle the claims of personal injury accident victims and the tactics these companies use to accept or deny claims. We share our opinions with you, the public, so you can make intelligent choices when purchasing insurance coverage. Please don't be fooled by the inundation of television advertising by the "leading" insurance companies appearing on a daily basis on your television screens. Below is a summation of our firm's overall experience with various personal injury insurance carriers represented by a grading system ranging from A-F, and when analyzing whether you should have one of the insurance companies listed below or one of the best insurance companies, you realize that you should be finding out the cost for similar coverage with the best insurance company, and seeing if you can get the best for less:

Automobile Insurance CompanyGrade
Allstate Insurance CompanyD-
Amerisure InsuranceF
Auto Owner's Insurance CompanyD
21st CenturyF
Bristol WestC-
Crum & ForsterA
Farmers Insurance GroupF
Federated National InsuranceBankrupt
First FloridianC+
GMAC InsuranceC
Great West CasualtyB
Hanover Insurance CompanyA
Liberty MutualC+
Mt. Hawley InsuranceD-
National Union Insurance of PittsburghB
Nova Casualty Insurance CompanyA
Ocean HarborF
Progressive Insurance CompaniesF
Security NationalD-
State Farm Insurance CompaniesC
United Automobile Insurance CompanyF
United Property & CasualtyB
Unitrin DirectB
US Security InsuranceD
Western WorldC+
WindHaven (Bankrupt)F (THE WORST!)

* Solvency of company an issue

Explanation of Grading

"F"--virtually never pays claims, especially claims for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits, harasses clients with unnecessary documentation, and if makes an offer, will offer a pittance of what case is worth

"D"--rarely offers anywhere near full value, must be threatened with bad faith to 'ante up', pays third party claims at lower than most

"C"--an average company will offer more to settle than the D-rated companies

"B"--above average, much more reasonable on paying claims

"A"--the best for paying claims and treatment of their policyholders

If you or your loved ones have been injured in an accident call our Coral Springs Car Accident Lawyers servicing South Florida now toll-free at (954) 833-1440 for a Free Consultation.

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