Why Summer Holidays Mean Trouble For Motorists

person holding a beer bottle while driving

100 Deadliest Days of Summer are Here

Also known as the "100 deadliest days of summer," the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day has become infamous for recording the highest number of traffic fatalities compared to other times of the year. These three holidays are also the singular days when police departments around the country are making the most DUI stops and arrests:

  • Independence Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Labor Day

With both an increase in DUI arrests and traffic fatalities, the answer for why these holidays are so dangerous is clear.

Drunk Driving Spikes in the Summer

A primary reason why these holidays accumulate so many fatal crashes is that drunk driving often spikes on these days. As federal holidays, many people are off work and frequently use the time to gather with friends and have a couple drinks. Since summer holiday activities like outdoor barbeques or beach days can last for several hours, many people may not even notice that they are well above the legal limit when they head home for the night.

The break in the school year also has more inexperienced and younger drivers on the roads, which means the highways are crowded with potentially hazardous behaviors. And unfortunately, these younger drivers may not know the proper way to handle driving near an erratic or seemingly under the influence motorist.

Florida’s Implied Consent Law

Although Florida has an implied consent law that requires motorists under the suspicion of DUI to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test, more than 32,000 are arrested for driving under the influence annually. Along with this, over 800 lives are taken on Florida roads from alcohol-impaired driving each year.

Ultimately, the decision should be simple: if you choose to drink, stay where you are or have a designated driver on call to take you where you want to go. Getting behind the wheel when under the influence is never worth the risk of potentially harming someone else.

South Florida Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys

Law Offices Cytryn & Velazquez, P.A. aims to protect South Florida families from drunk drivers by pursuing legal action against motorists who act irresponsibly and injure others when under the influence. Our firm understands the emotional and financial toll that drunk driving accidents can have on the victims and their families and want to help you seek compensation for injuries sustained.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident, call (954) 833-1440 to schedule a consultation.
